The Tooth of the Matter for SR&ED in Dentistry
The dental industry is an entirely unique industry with unique challenges, technologies, and need for innovation. While dental implants and today’s root canal procedures may seem standard practice compared to just 20 years ago, dentistry continues to strive to provide patients with the best possible treatment results, which require experimentation, analysis and modification of procedures, products and treatment plans.
To cap it off, each branch of dentistry is presented with its own unique focal point for treatment and innovation – oral and maxillofacial surgery, orthodontia, endodontia, prosthodontia, etc.
If your dental industry practice is incorporated in Canada, your scientific research and experimental development time and materials could be eligible for the SR&ED tax refund.
SR&ED From the Root Up
Such development work may involve:
- Improving the time between dental implant placement and final restoration
- Decreasing inflammation and pain and healing times associated with dental procedures
- Testing and developing new materials for use in practice (i.e.: dental implants, surgical gloves)
- Implementation of new dental systems (pressable ceramic systems, CAD/CAM zirconia milling, 3D scan and mill, laser sintering systems, etc.)
- Experimenting with different ingot selection, or overcoming problems with unexpected margin chipping, fit, rocking and bridge twisting, unexpected cracks and remakes
- Developing colour matching methods
- Overcoming problems with green state fractures during sintering and trimming, or with systems that are extremely “technique sensitive”
- Improving existing finishing, trimming, wax up techniques
- Determining custom settings for new equipment, tooling parameters,
- Developing new bridge designs, or experimenting with new night guard materials, etc.
- Experimenting with and improving bio-compatibility of materials and strength of implant designs
- Any other testing or development associated with solving a non-standard problem, using non-standard materials/methods, or standard or combination of standard materials in ways they weren’t designed or intended.
It doesn’t matter whether the ultimate process, equipment or material was a success. In SR&ED, failure counts, as well, so long as there were multiple attempts to achieve a certain goal.
Why you need SRED Unlimited
The innovations in the dental industry—indeed, the dental industry in general—is often likened and considered akin to the medial research industry, when it actually has a very unique target treatment area which requires very specific and sometimes non-standard or less-than-standard approaches to treatment or industrial technological advancement.
Don’t miss out on a tax refund that you could reinvest in improving your patients’ treatment outcomes. Let SRED Unlimited help.